This is my personal site. I am British; currently based in Australia, I have a wide ranging set of interests including computer security and software engineering, particularly on Linux. This site is a place to write about whatever I've found interesting or done recently and to detail talks I've given.
What I like
Gadgets. I like being in charge of my gadgets, this includes use of the following:
- Linux (nearly everywhere)
- OpenBSD
I also like coffee ☕️, beer 🍻 and emojis 😎. If you want you can buy me one at ko-fi.
A bit of fun
When I grow up I want to be a computer programmer...
Apparently I'm Perl:
Which Programming Language are You?
Powered by Perl, Go, Markdown, git and no database, hosted in the clouds and on a Bitfolk VPS.
See my redesigned post for some more (slightly dated) details.
All content, except quotes and comments of others is copyright © 2000-2024 David Leadbeater. Any code of mine on this site (that is, hosted on "dgl.cx" as validated by the SSL certificate) that does not explicitly mention a licence may be redistributed and/or modified following the terms of the 0BSD licence.